Cisco 3750v2 PoE (-PS) Switch
This is the PoE model of the 3750v2 switch. This switch is still IOS 15 capable of running c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.150-2.SE10a, while also adding PoE capability to the switch.
The Cisco® Catalyst® 3750 v2 Series Switches are next-generation energy-efficient Layer 3 Fast Ethernet stackable switches. This new series of switches supports Cisco® EnergyWise technology, which enables companies to measure and manage power consumption of network infrastructure and network-attached devices, thereby reducing their energy costs and their carbon footprints. The Cisco Catalyst 3750 v2 Series consumes less power than its predecessors and is the ideal access layer for enterprise, retail, and branch-office environments, as it increases productivity and investment protection by enabling a unified network for data, voice, and video.
This will meet the needs for any Cisco certification. This is the best switch we recommend for certification purposes. This adds PoE (Power over Ethernet) to the standard model 3750v2 so you can use this to power your IP Phones, Wireless, AP, etc.
If you need a PoE switch, we highly recommend this specific one because it is the only IOS 15 switch with PoE that we offer as a standard offering.
This is a stackable switch. If you want to explore the stackwise technology add (1) stackwise cable for (2) switches, (2) stackwise cables for (3) switches, etc.
Catalyst 3750 v2 Series Highlights
● Lower power consumption than its predecessors
● Backward compatible with Cisco Catalyst 3750 and 3750-E Series Switches
● EnergyWise support to monitor energy consumption of network infrastructure and implement energy saving programs to reduce energy costs
● Open Shortest path First (OSPF) routing with IP Base feature set
● Compatible with Cisco Redundant Power System (RPS) 2300
● Uniform depth of 11.9 inches on all units for better cable management
● IPv6 routing included in the IP Services feature set
Additional Items Include:c
- 3750-ipservicesk9-mz.150-2.SE10a
- CertificationKits TFTP Server
- CertificationKits Subnet Calculator
- 33 CCNA Instructional Videos
- Cisco Network Assistant
- Cisco Router Password Decryptor
- Cisco VPN Client
- Port Scanner nmap-7.80
- npcap-0.9987 & WinPcap 4.1.3
- WireShark
- TeraTerm & Putty Terminal Emulators
- VritualBox
- IOS Backup as noted above for the routers and switches
- Cisco Configuration Professional (CCP) 2.8 for 1841/2800 Series Routers
Software licensing is the responsibility of the buyer and is provided on the IOS backup disc only as an educational use backup of what was loaded on the switch when we received it.