Physical Cisco CCNA 200-301 CRAM Sheet

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Cisco CCNA CRAM Sheet

Passing the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification exam will bring instant credibility to your resume and enable you earn more as a network administrator. This is partly due to how difficult the CCNA exam (200-301) is to pass and the incredible amount of information that is covered. We are sure you are well aware that most Cisco CCNA Study Guides are 800 pages or more!

So, we have taken the time to condense all that information down into a beautiful, full color, laminated, three-page fold out double-sided Cram Sheet. This is done so well that it is almost like having a cheat sheet for your CCNA exam! This Cram Sheet is designed by Cisco NetAcad CCNP and CCIE instructors who know how to present all the exam topics in a logical and easy to understand format.

All major topics covered on the CCNA exam are broken down on this Cram Sheet into color coded areas. This enables you to quickly find the CCNA exam information you are looking for. With easy-to-read charts and pictures, this is better than any CCNA brain dump. It is also much more convenient to carry due to the light weight than any 800 page CCNA Study Guide. Additionally, the lamination makes it durable so you don’t have to worry about ruining your CCNA cheat sheet if you spill something on it and it will not easily tear like other cheap print out yourself Cram Sheets.

Benefits of this Cisco CCNA Cram Sheet are:

  • Coverage of exam topics for the Cisco ICND1, ICND2 and CCNA (200-125) exam.
  • Color coded sections make this Cram Sheet visually pleasing and easy to read.
  • Comprehensive coverage of all exam topics condensed into short summaries.
  • Tons of charts and easy to remember acronyms as memorization techniques.
  • An in-depth section on the dreaded CCNA exam topic of Subnetting.

Topics covered include:

  • The OSI and DOD Reference Model thoroughly explained and easy to understand.
  • Networking Fundamentals describing various networking terms on the CCNA exam.
  • Ethernet standards, addressing and frame types.
  • Cabling Conventions and what type of cable to use connecting various devices together.
  • The dreaded IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting concepts with easy to read charts.
  • IPv6 Addressing and how it used in a dual stack on your Cisco router.
  • TCP/IP communications and flow control concepts.
  • Cisco Router basics. Router components, configuration and IOS commands.
  • Thorough coverage of IP Routing with RIP, OSPF, IGRP and EIGRP.
  • All about Cisco LAN Switching and the functions of a switch.
  • VLANs, the types of ports, types of trunking and VTP modes.
  • WAN concepts such as line types, HDLC, PPP and WAN encapsulation.
  • NAT types such as Static NAT and PAT, advantages of NAT and configuration examples.
  • Remote Access to your routers using VTY lines.
  • Access Control List types such as Standard and Extended, along with illustrated examples and guidelines.
  • Wireless LAN standards, network modes and security features of WLANs.
  • SDM (Security Device Manager) screen shots and the configuration wizards available.
  • And More!!!

You will definitely want to bring this to the test center on the day of your CCNA exam for last minute review of the exam topics. So, get this valuable CCNA quick reference guide to help ensure your success in passing your CCNA exam!


For our newly updated 200-301 v1.1 Digital Cram Sheet, look here.